Yes, You Can! Have An Unlimited Life.

We live in a Cosmic Soup, so-called by quantum physicists because the Universe looks like a rich soup, full of possibilities swimming around, just as a soup that a great cook makes is swimming with tasty, interesting ingredients.  The soup gets its flavor from the ingredients, just as the ingredients are enriched by the broth of the soup.

And like a basic soup, the Universe is not solid.  It is liquid; the solidity that we think we see is our thoughts and our awareness.  Our thoughts and our awareness, our consciousness, create the solid world we see and feel.  The concept of a liquid universe, with no solidity other than my thought, is difficult for my finite mind to grasp.  And yet, this is what we learn from quantum physics.  The universe is like a broth, rich and solid because of my thoughts, just as a broth is liquid until I add potatoes, onions, carrots, and other ingredients.  

     The importance of this for my life is that, because the Universe is liquid, is fluid, it is full of potential and possibilities.  The Universe is energy and information, from which I can draw, from which I can use to create whatever I want to create!  The possibilities are limited only by my imagination!  Anything I can imagine, I can create.  Goethe told us this many years ago:  “If you can dream it, you can do it.”  

     My life, your life, is limited only by our imagination.  Everything, including the Universe, began with a thought, with imagination.  Most of us gave up on our dreams, the products of our imaginations, long ago, when someone, usually our parents, told us to “…get our heads out of the clouds…”.  

     It’s time to get our heads back in the clouds.  It’s time to start imagining again.  It’s time to start dreaming again.  And dream big!  Without someone’s imagination, we wouldn’t have cars, trains, planes, space shuttles.  We wouldn’t have highways, skyscrapers, or even sticky notes!

     You can have an unlimited life!  All you have to do is imagine it!